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"Hidden just for you"
Did you know that God works in the darkness first? In Genesis, after every day created, it records “and the evening and the morning” were the day; He works the night shift first. It may be dark all around your life and situations, but He’s up to something good. “…And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that thou may know that I, the LORD who call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.” Isaiah 45:3
God has hidden riches in secret places. I believe those secret places can very well be times of testing and times of great tribulation. But He gives us all exactly what we need to cross over on dry ground. In Genesis, the bible speaks about one river that quickly opens up into four different directions. |
The God we serve provides multiplicity via one single stream. You will find that your provision from Him did not come in singularity, but in plurality. Regardless of the darkness, there are treasures hidden just for you!